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    Afterpay available at checkout for no additional cost. Order now and pay in four easy, interest-free payments.

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  • Speedy Shipping

    Forget the international wait, we'll get your order shipped ASAP!

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  • Give us a call!

    Give us a call, flick us a text, or fire through an email if you have any questions - we'll get back to you as fast as we can.

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  • Locally Stocked

    The majority of our offerings are held in-stock in Auckland, New Zealand. No need to wait for overseas delays.

  • MHD Tuning

    Tune your BMW on the fly with our MHD Universal Adaptors and associated software!

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  • VRSF

    Whether it be downpipes, intercoolers, chargepipes, or exhausts, VRSF hardware is tried, tested, and trusted in the BMW scene.

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  • Burger Motorsports

    Well known for their JB4 Tuning system, BMS is a top-tier supplier of intakes, chargepipes, and other BMW hardware.

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  • Eurofina Performance

    That's who we are - providing hand-made bespoke personalisation for your pride & joy, we offer the perfect way to make your car uniquely you.

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Bespoke Steering Wheels

Never before offered in Aotearoa, Eurofina Performance brings customisation to your fingertips with our unique design-your-own steering wheels. We support a variety of European makes & models, handmade with exotic materials including carbon fibre, leather, and alcantara.

Design Yours Now

Unleash Potential

Downpipes, intakes, intercoolers, chargepipes - unlock the power hidden behind restrictive OEM parts and experience your car at it's full potential. VRSF, BMS, and Eurofina Performance parts guaranteed to take other road users for a full-course dinner at Gapplebees.

Upgrade Now


All the power and personalisation in the world won't matter if you can't drive because maintenance hasn't been kept up to date. Get your hands dirty and use products from our range of genuine maintenance items to keep your baby ticking over smoothly.

Explore Our Range

Anything we've missed?

Can't find what you're looking for? Get in touch with our experienced team - we are always happy to assist in sourcing products we don't yet stock, and we're always keen to find out what you want stocked!

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Why Choose Us?

Brought to you by two local car enthusiasts sick of long shipping times and limited access to reputable brands, Eurofina aims to simplify the process of modifying your Euro with our carefully curated range of top quality products.